
Doodling is a kind of art that takes very little time but gives immense satisfaction. It is a kind of drawing which is easily possible by everyone. Doodles look amazing in your journals and gives a pop to it.

Doodling is drawing out your thoughts. In doodling you can draw your thoughts. Drawing out what you are thinking in a cute way with a sketch is doodling. Doodling is not like process you need to follow. You can begin with any shape and go on further doing it with all your creative ideas.

Doodles are easy to draw and fun to do. They don't need much supplies, just a sketch and you are good to go. Doodling is a fun art with just a sketch.

You can find way many tutorials on how you can do doodles on youtube and at many other platforms. But trust me you don't need any tutorials. Just by looking into few doodle arts you can start it.

Firstly, you can start with drawing something small which don't take a lot efforts but look very cute. Draw any shape that is in your mind like if you are imagining of coffee you can draw a coffee bean or a coffee mug.

You can also take any shape like anything outline it with very light strokes and fill those outlines with doodle art in any way. It will result in something very cool and will pass your time very easily.

Doodling is not just an art done for pass time but you can also make it on your book cover to give it a new look.Begin with a plain cover of your book and start doodling it in a pattern and there you have it!

Don't want it to have in just one colour? No probs you can do it in any way with as many colours you like.

Pick any shape, pattern, character and doodle it.!

Pinterest have amazing ideas to look into if you need any inspiration in doodling.
If you find these useful and try doodling then do let me know.!

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