15 things to do in QUARANTINE

This has really took a big move in our lives. It's a mess all over the world right now. Corona virus mustn't have affected many of us physically but definitely has forced us to stay at our homes under the lock down. We have to take care of ourselves during this pandemic and spend our time in our homes.!

Staying at home 24 hours and don't know for how many days is tough. Finding something to do which is interesting and productive is a tough task. Passing out the time daily is hard.

Most of us are not really doing much in these quarantine but we should. Other than scrolling through the social sites we should do something which can really help us get through this time.

So here's what i found interesting and productive to do when you are in quarantine 

  1. Doodling
  2. Stay fit and stay healthy
  3. Setting up your closet
  4. Watch inspiring movies
  5. Cooking
  6. Body care
  7. DIY
  8. Sketching
  9. Spending time with family
  10. Baking
  11. Netflix and chill
  12. Studying
  13. Decor
  14. Learning new things
  15. Sleeping

These are some things that i have been doing to pass out my quarantine. Hereafter, I am gonna give you details in all these activities in coming days!! Hope you get along with me and try out these activities.!

If you find these interesting and you try out any of these please let me know and don't forget to tag me!😉

Instagram @theglammysphere
Pinterest @theglammysphere