
Journals front cover

Journal can be a great investment in collecting your memories. Those are your creations. You can make it as you want them to be. You can plan things through your journals or make them a place for your memories. I love making journals and creating a place to draw/write the things that I want to do in my life. It can be a place to go or a new thing you wanna experience. I draw my wishes on the paper so that they remind me to work for them every time I open my journal. I also leave places to stick some pictures to make it more worth for me. I always wondered on how the front page of journals should be? Or how should I do?! I created the front page of my wishlist journal which is simple and also attractive. Step 1 I took the front cover of my book and cleaned it. Step 2 Then I painted it a base colourand let it dry. I chose the base colour as black because i wanted other colours to pop. You can choose any base colour but choose a light shade so that your main designs pop.


Doodling is a kind of art that takes very little time but gives immense satisfaction. It is a kind of drawing which is easily possible by everyone. Doodles look amazing in your journals and gives a pop to it. Doodling is drawing out your thoughts. In doodling you can draw your thoughts. Drawing out what you are thinking in a cute way with a sketch is doodling. Doodling is not like process you need to follow. You can begin with any shape and go on further doing it with all your creative ideas. Doodles are easy to draw and fun to do. They don't need much supplies, just a sketch and you are good to go. Doodling is a fun art with just a sketch. You can find way many tutorials on how you can do doodles on youtube and at many other platforms. But trust me you don't need any tutorials. Just by looking into few doodle arts you can start it. Firstly, you can start with drawing something small which don't take a lot efforts but look very cute. Draw any shape

15 things to do in QUARANTINE

'QUARANTINE' This has really took a big move in our lives. It's a mess all over the world right now. Corona virus mustn't have affected many of us physically but definitely has forced us to stay at our homes under the lock down. We have to take care of ourselves during this pandemic and spend our time in our homes.! Staying at home 24 hours and don't know for how many days is tough. Finding something to do which is interesting and productive is a tough task. Passing out the time daily is hard. Most of us are not really doing much in these quarantine but we should. Other than scrolling through the social sites we should do something which can really help us get through this time. So here's what i found interesting and productive to do when you are in quarantine  Doodling Stay fit and stay healthy Setting up your closet Watch inspiring movies Cooking Body care DIY Sketching Spending time with family Baking Netflix and chill Studying

First Post: All About Me

Welcome to the Glammy Sphere. Here's my first blog post. In this blog I'm going to show the life of a student in India. It will show how the student life is. I'm going to share about skin, beauty ,fashion, studies and also the difficulties a student face. I like to try out various hacks and tricks that could make my life easier and also help me have a smooth life. I'm gonna share those with you hoping it could help you too. I will post as frequently as possible looking for my college as well. I'm from Hyderabad. A college student pursuing bachelors of commerce. I love to experiment and look after exploring my style.